District Attorney Marian Ryan honors Framingham lifeguards

DA Ryan in the Community
District Attorney Marian Ryan presents award to lifeguard Su Cui.
District Attorney Marian Ryan presents award to lifeguard Su Cui.

District Attorney Marian Ryan honored two Framingham lifeguards for their efforts in saving a young boy’s life.

District Attorney Ryan spoke along with the Chair of the Board of Selectmen Dennis Giombetti and Fire Chief Gary Daugherty in honoring lifeguards David Shulman and Su Cui during a meeting of the Board of Selectmen in Framingham.

After only one week on the job, the lifeguards had their first emergency. On the afternoon of July 19 at the Hamilton Village apartment complex, the lifeguards heard cries for help and responded immediately. As one lifeguard pulled the 10 year old boy from the pool and administered rescue breaths, the other called 911. The boy had been under water for two minutes and was rushed to Framingham High School where Life Flight then took the boy to the hospital.

District Attorney Ryan acknowledged the group effort involved from the lifeguards, firefighters, police officers, paramedics and the medical flight crew for an effective, coordinated response that saved the child’s life. Ryan also spoke about water safety and reminded all parents and caregivers to continue to be vigilant and attentive anytime their children are swimming or playing near a body of water.

The young boy is doing well and has been released from the hospital.

Click here for more information on summer and water safety.