District Attorney Ryan Discusses Opioid Crisis at Arlington Youth Health and Safety Coalition

ARLINGTON-Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan recently attended a meeting of the Arlington Youth Health and Safety Coalition, a group committed to preventing and reducing substance misuse among Arlington youth, to share information with members about the trends in the fatal overdoses that occurred in Middlesex County in 2017.

District Attorney Ryan spoke to members about the opioid epidemic’s impact on Arlington and across the County since 2012, noting that 2017 was the first time the death rate in Middlesex County has dropped since the epidemic began. District Attorney Ryan has launched several initiatives to combat the epidemic including donating over 4,000 doses of Narcan to police and fire departments, school healthcare providers, and first responders purchased using drug forfeiture money.

District Attorney Ryan also spoke to members about Project CARE and the SMART Choices Program, initiatives directed at Middlesex County’s youth. Project CARE provides trauma services to children who experience opioid-related trauma and the SMART Choices Program encourages youth to make healthy decisions.

The most common profile of a fatal overdose victim in Middlesex County is a male in his mid-thirties who uses in the home, while a family member is present in the house. Given this common profile, it is important for family members to remain vigilant at all times even within the home setting.

At the conclusion of the presentation, District Attorney Ryan discussed the importance of recognizing risk factors and certain signs of substance abuse. Educating family members about important risk factors such as recent release from incarceration, recent trauma, and signs such as snoring or gargling that can help identify someone may be suffering from an overdose. If substance misuse is suspected, keeping Narcan at home can help save lives.

The visit was part of the District Attorney’s commitment to combatting the opioid epidemic through various prevention initiatives. The provision Distribution of resources and the dissemination of information regarding common risk factors are crucial to identifying and assisting the county’s most vulnerable citizens.